Meg's Menagerie
Here are my kitties...
Frangelica, referred to always as Gellie, is my oldest. Gellie was discovered in the middle of a cold autumn night by my Aunt Deb, who trooped outside in her boots and PJs to rescue a small abandoned mewling kitten, bless her. This little grey gargoyle was my birthday gift. While I have custody, Gellie's other mama is Paulina, my uni roommate, who still resides in Kingston and is finishing her MA. For a young cat (3 years), Gellie is extraordinarily well-travelled. Planes, trains, taxis, automobiles across Canada and back again - Gellie is a wonderfully calm travel companion. She just sleeps.

And below are my first-ever boys. (Unless any of my fish or newts were actually boys. I do not possess the biological expertise to determine...) On the left is Bobolink, or Blink, (or Stubs the Tailless Wonder according to Sue), and on the right is Periwinkle, or Wink. Yes, I know - the names are cutesey. But they somehow bring to mind animated woodland characters in a children's story for me. And yes, I know - the disconnect between imaginary realms and reality that is supposed to have occurred around age 8 or so never did quite happen with me... ;-)

Aren't they adorable? Though they keep me up all hours and make my already disastrously messy room even messier, I love them to bits.
Here they are just the other day, napping atop my mountain of homeless comforters, blankets, and area rugs. On the left is Wink, and on the right is Blink. You can also distinguish them by noting which one is the fattest. That would be Sir Bobolink, who somehow manages to eat more than his fair share, despite my meticulous monitoring of portion sizes, food dishes and eating times...

I'm going to have to buy him a kitty treadmill or something.
(Left = wink, Right = Blink, as above. I guess they each have a favourite 'photo pose' side...)