Made the Headline!

The partier-vandals!
See the photos? That is the result of one of the former tenants (unconfirmed, as of yet) who came back to pick up the furniture stored in the garage, have a party in the house, break two windows upstairs (only one window had the glass shattered), leave beer bottles all over and cigarette butts in the garage, and then leave and carefully lock every door up from the outside - with a key...
The event made the headline of the crimes section in the Spruce Grove Examiner.
But I have a lot to be grateful for, in actual fact. Some dear friends of the family had their house broken into during the day last week.

So, in addition to my installing a security system at the Farmhouse, my mother is now doing the same. Bonnie was jumping up over all the furniture near the windows at the rear of the house last week (made quite a mess, too), and it could quite possibly be because these same burglars were casing out the house. The RCMP said that they do their research, and watch the patterns of the home owners carefully. They have even built little shanties in the trees in the Participark trails, with cases of tools and whatnot stashed in them. *shiver*
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