Loooooooooooong time, no post
I haven't posted anything in ages and ages, and yet I keep getting people asking for me to post an update on the Farmhouse.
I promise, I will.
Uhm, soon.
Rest assured - it's looking fabulous!
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. - Douglas Adams
I haven't posted anything in ages and ages, and yet I keep getting people asking for me to post an update on the Farmhouse.
Here are some photos of how the inside of the Farmhouse is changing as time moves along. Just you wait and see - Someday I will even have doors on the bathrooms and an oven door that opens!
I have had a lot of people asking after new photos of the Farmhouse. Good news: I have some! Bad news: I seem to have lost my camera on moving day. I was taking pictures on moving day, but where the camera went to afterwards, I do not know...
During Pau's last week here in Alberta, we went camping in Jasper. We went whitewater rafting on the Athabasca River. It was so much fun! And now I'm ready for some Class 3 rapids.
To the left: Our tent (borrowed from my generous brother Reid and his lovely girlfriend Lisa, campers extraordinaire). It only took one false start before we successfully got it up and livable. In the middle: Pau, atop Whistler Mountain after we took the Jasper Tramway to the Upper Station. To the right: Pau and I with the Inukshuk we built at the "magic" Medicine Lake, which disappears every fall.
Pau, leaning on an interesting and twisty tree. And the two of us, on our hike of Maligne Canyon.
Welladay, welladee... I have not posted for quite some time. Busy busy, I have been. :-)